In keeping with the Australian theme, this week's blog has been prepared by Pete Wargent, Director of the AllenWargent Sydney office, giving an overview of the key themes in the Sydney property market. Going forward we will continue to mix things up and we hope you find it of interest.
After 18 months of steady corrections, and the
national market falling by around 7% from peak to trough, the Australian
property market turned around in May 2012.
In response to a series of interest rate
cuts, the cash rate being cut from 4.75% to just 3.00%, prices have rebounded
in all of Australia’s capital cities as confidence returned to the markets.
Interestingly, while prices remain below
their 2010 peaks in all other capital cities, Sydney has now recovered all of
its lost ground and all four major data providers show that Sydney’s prices are
forging onto new highs due to very high demand.
Price growth
While data providers always show slight
differences quarter-on-quarter, the trend is clear and that is that property
prices in Sydney are set to increase.
In particular, RP Data notes that the major price growth has been driven by the
broad middle market.
While the top 20% and the bottom 20% of
the market respectively lag some way below their 2010 peaks, the popular
properties close to the median prices are now 2.4% above their previous peak.
Data notes that apartment
prices pushed on to new heights way back in June 2012.
Auction clearance rates in Sydney, which
are usually a good indicator of future price growth have stormed upwards over
the past 12 months, dwarfing those of every other Australian city.
Sydney’s regenerating Inner West has
consistently shown auction clearance rates of 80-85%, while the most recent
data has shown a strong resurgence of both homebuyers and investors in the
traditionally popular City & East.
Population growth
The Australian Bureau of Statistics
released its latest population figures for the year to September 2012, and the
data showed that Australia’s phenomenal population growth is actually
The number of persons increased by some
382,500 people over the 12 month period, of which the majority of the
immigrants heading to only four places: Melbourne, Perth, South-East Queensland
and Sydney.
The great
population growth as ever will be concentrated on these four populous states,
and Sydney will record further growth of around 60,000 persons.
Supply constraints
Vacancy rates in Sydney are very tight at
below 1.5%, and in certain supply-constrained inner- and middle-ring suburbs,
there is a dire shortage of dwellings.
The city recently announced drastic
measures to build nearly 200,000 new dwellings over coming years to meet the
exploding demand.
Unfortunately, Australia continues to
suffer from widespread ‘NIMBYism’ and the proposals to build more new
developments are already meeting roadblocks.
With the sprawl of Sydney constrained by
the ocean to the east and National Parks at each of its outer fringes, the
price of land looks set to continue to increase dramatically.
As the Sydney
Morning Herald, summarised in March 2013: ‘If
this plan doesn’t work, we really are stuck as a city’.
With inflation remaining benign,
unemployment relatively low but creeping up and the almighty decade-long mining
construction boom finally reaching its peak, most observers (and the futures
markets) expect Australia’s cash rate to fall to a record low 2.75% during
The Reserve Bank desperately needs to
stimulate dwelling construction to meet the accelerating demand, and so it
looks to have little choice with regards to its monetary policy stance.
With investors already flooding the market
– the average Sydney apartment is now being sold in just 32 days – economists
believe that property prices may jump 10-15% higher spurred on by the
stimulatory level of the cash rate.
Sydney looks to be the city where the
gains will be focussed.